MAAP stands for “MAA PARTNERS INITIATIVES”. It is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating in Kajiado District and with its head offices in Isinya. The organisation was founded by a group of individuals concerned with the social, cultural and economic issues that were pre-disposing the Maasai community to high risk of HIV infection.
15 Years and on
1996 – 1998: Courage through the Vision
1999 – 2001: Building Sustainable Partnerships
2002 – 2004: Turning Tide Against the Epidemic
2005 -2006: More than HIV/AIDS – Coming of Age
Beyond 2006: Hope for Tomorrow: One Step at a Time

Intervention Areas

Integrated Health
MAAP was founded in response to high HIV/AIDS risks in the pastoral community as a result of changing lifestyles due to cross cultural interaction and diminishing economic opportunities.
Livelihood Sector
To increase and sustain household food security and community capacity in social-economic development among pastoralist farmers…
ECD/OVC project
The ECD/OVC initiative was started in 2004 by Maa Partners Initiatives (MAAP) and the Bernard Van Lee Foundation (BvLF) of the Netherlands…
Water and Sanitation
MAAP interventions relate to safe water supply, general hygiene and sanitation as the pertinent development concerns identified among the pastoral community in Kajiado County.
Dollars Raised
Animals Saved
Trees Planted
Trained Farmers
Our Partners & Sponsors

- Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
- Kenya Community Development
Foundation (KCDF) - Concern Universal (K)
- Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF)
- Global Fund
- Geneva Global
- FHI (USAID)-APHIAplus Nuru ya
- European Commission (EC)
- WiRED International
- ACTION AID (K) Rift Region
- Grace International
Contact us
P.O. Box: 510 – (01100), Kajiado, Kenya
Tel/fax: +254 722 839395
E-mail: maap@maapi.org
We are here
Ololoitikoshi Trading Center
Isinya, Kajiado County, Kenya